Date Prepared: November 2022

Driver Behaviour, Competency and Medical Fitness Policy and Procedure


Driver behaviour is continuously monitored by a dual system of a user complaints procedure and a driver ratings system that prompts passengers to provide a star rating and optional comment at the end of each trip.  Drivers must maintain an average rating by passengers that meets or exceeds the minimum average acceptable rating established by d@rt for their territory.

Competency is initially established in the d@rt Application Form via a request for information relating to driver licences/driver accreditation.  TSP and individual driver contract clauses deal with driver licences/driver accreditation (clause 4.1 of the TSP and Individual Driver contracts) and require copies of renewals of same to be provided to d@rt.  Another clause (4.4.1 of the TSP and Individual Driver contracts) requires TSPs/drivers to notify d@rt when the driver has had their licence or accreditation suspended, disqualified or cancelled.

Driver licensing and accreditation obligations

At all times, drivers must hold a valid driver licence, driver accreditation and Working with Children Clearance to perform commercial passenger vehicle services through d@rt.

Under no circumstances is a driver to utilise the d@rt Services unless they hold a valid licence and accreditation.

A driver must:

  • immediately notify d@rt of any suspension or cancellation of their driver accreditation, licence, Working with Children Clearance or vehicle registration
  • not provide rideshare services with a vehicle that is not registered as one
  • not accept bookings from an unregistered Booking Service Provider
  • not share their d@rt account with another individual
  • carry their driver licence and accreditation when driving
  • produce their driver licence and accreditation when requested by an official such as a CPVV Compliance Officer or Police Officer
  • notify the applicable regulatory body if they change any of their details for example their address
  • not carry out rideshare services if their licence or accreditation is suspended or cancelled.

d@rt monitoring

As d@rt will have information about the drivers and timing of renewals (N.B. licences are still issued when renewed, but driver accreditation certificates aren’t anymore), d@rt will print an exception report each month which will identify each driver that is recorded on the d@rt system as scheduled for renewal of their licence in the following month, and notify drivers, reminding them of their obligations to renew their licence if they wish to continue to drive and provide d@rt with a copy of the renewal as per their contract.

As part of the monitoring process to ensure that drivers remain eligible to utilise the d@rt Services, authorised d@rt officers will conduct a check of the driver accreditations through the CPVV portal at 6 monthly or quarterly intervals to confirm currency.  The portal is an online platform that can be accessed by an individual or booking service provider to access information related to accreditation and registration.

As Working with Children Clearance is required for all drivers providing d@rt services, d@rt will perform ad hoc WWCC validity checks through the Status Check function of the Department of Justice website.

Safety obligations

Drivers must cooperate with d@rt with respect to any action that is taken to comply with requirements under the applicable law.  This may include training and the implementation of policies or procedures that relate to the management of driver fatigue, drug and alcohol use, driver competency or medical fitness.

Medical fitness is established through the processes mandated for CPV drivers by CPVV.  CPVV will notify drivers when medical certificates are required and how they are to be provided to CPPV.

Drivers providing d@rt services must take reasonable care of their own health and safety and that of their passengers or members of the public, that may be affected by their actions.

Drivers must notify d@rt of any changes in medical conditions that may affect their fitness to drive and comply with any related conditions or restrictions imposed by their treating medical practitioner and by d@rt.

Additionally, d@rt can at any time require drivers to see a doctor to confirm their fitness to drive a commercial passenger vehicle. If a driver is required by CPVV to have an annual medical examination, d@rt must be notified of this and provided with a copy of confirmation of fitness to drive upon request.

Drivers will comply with any requests by d@rt for information or documents to demonstrate that they are complying with their obligations under this policy.

d@rt reserves all its rights under its agreement with a TSP or individual driver to deactivate their access to the d@rt Services or terminate the relevant agreements.

March 2025