Date Prepared: November 2022

d@rt, TSPs and TSP Drivers


  1. Purpose

TSPs employ TSP drivers. d@rt has contractual arrangements with TSPs to provide d@rt services, and TSPs use TSP drivers to perform those services.

d@rt imposes certain conditions upon TSPs and TSP drivers accessing the d@rt Services, including those set out in the d@rt policies (the Policies).  TSPs are contractually bound to ensure the TSP drivers comply with the Policies.

In recognition that TSP drivers are employees of a TSP, this policy makes provision for how d@rt and TSPs are to interact to ensure the proper administration of the Policies.


  1. Application of policy

This policy applies to TSPs.

  1. Policy

TSP drivers to report or notify d@rt

Where the Policies require TSP drivers to report or notify d@rt of a certain matter, fact or thing, that obligation can be met by the TSP drivers informing their TSP. TSPs are required to report or notify that matter, fact or thing to d@rt within the timing and in the manner, required by the relevant Policy.

d@rt taking action against a TSP driver, or requiring action be taken by a TSP drivers

Whilst reserving all its rights, where the Policies authorise d@rt to take certain action against a TSP driver, or request, require or direct TSP drivers to take certain action, d@rt will endeavour to consult with the TSV prior to taking any such action.

d@rt recommends that when TSPs are inducting drivers to carry out d@rt services and informing them of the Policies, they issue a covering letter together with the Policies, reminding them that they are employees of the TSP and reflecting the main points of this policy.

February 2025